All dressed up and somewhere to go

All dressed up

My mum had been commissioned by the Monreagh Ulster Scots Heritage and Education Centre to paint a picture of Inch Island.

The painting was presented to Bertie Bryce, a well known performer and dancer from Inch Island, to celebrate his 93rd birthday.
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Today, at 11 weeks old, I weighed 8.3kg or 18lb 5oz!

This is a video of me playing games with my mum – I have a surprise for her about half way through 😉
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Banana muffin supremos

Kate and two of my cousins baking

My mum is now an expert in baking banana muffins. We always seem to have some old, over-ripe bananas around that need throwing away – or using! We prefer the latter…

Today we had a visit from my cousins and their mum and dad.
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My new cot

Me asleep in my new cot

I’ve been recovering from my Christmas and New Year exertions the last few days, so my blog has been quiet.

Tonight, though, was the first night in my new cot and that’s something I had to talk about! Up till now I’ve been sleeping in a Moses basket, which had simply got too small.
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Happy New Year!

Us at midnight on New Year's Eve

So, Happy New Year to you all!

We all got dressed up ready for a cold and wet Donegal night and headed to the Christmas Tree in the Diamond in Carndonagh. At midnight, the new year is rung in with a bell and music out the side of a lorry!
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My new gallery

Kate with her camera

To finish the year, I’ve added a photo album to my blog. I keep adding photos to Facebook, but that only means certain people can see them.

I’ll keep adding more photos to it – even ones that don’t fit into the blog – so you can see me grow up.
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Happy birthday daddy!

Happy birthday daddy!

Today was dad’s birthday, so we had a day of family and friends to celebrate with him (although he says he doesn’t really count any more, as he’s had too many).

We also managed (it was a team effort) to pull out the first of Kate’s wobbly front teeth.
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Winter walking

Sun through the clouds at Lagg

It was mild, cloudy and breezy, but mum and dad needed to ‘blow the cobwebs away’ with a walk on the beach. Too many mince pies and biscuits perhaps?

We met our friend Sonia and her dogs, so Poppy got a good run and some fresh air.
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Santa’s Little Elfs

Elf[audio:|titles=Santa’s Little Elfs]

This is a Christmas song composed by Kate and her dad… I’m ever so proud of my sister!! Enjoy!
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Happy Christmas

Me in my Christmas suit

Welcome to my first Christmas! Now I understand why folk were so excited about today (I’m sleeping in the photo after the excitement had died down a little).

Santa had brought presents for everyone, including mum and dad! I got cuddly toys, new clothes, things to play with – all wrapped up in shiny wrapping paper.
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